Arteterapia, counseling, pedagogia, formazione
La prima radice

Call for papers

Organizziamo call for papers, legate ai nostri progetti di ricerca che trovi qui

the CFP Mindful Arttherapy:
Papers must be received by 30 November 2022. Papers will be included in online book (with ISSN), in open access, “collana la prima radice /ricerca”, on the websites:,
Papers must be unpublished and original, about 15-20 pages (times new roman 12, line spacing 1,5), with notes and bibliography. Detailed manuscript guidelines will be communicated to selected authors. The 300-word abtract must be received by May 30, 2022: the outcome of selection will be announced to each author by June 15, 2022. Languages are: Italian, English, French. Papers will be published only with author’s review and written permission. Topics are: mindfulness and its affinities with art therapies. Innovative methods, theories, research, training. Photos of patients or works of patients will not be published.

Please send your abstract and your essay to:


Prorogato al 15 novembre 2022. Per ogni info: